Did You Know We Remove Skin Tags?


We’ve been blessed over the lockdown months to have had generally beautiful sunny weather. Whilst its been great for getting our vitamin D, boosting our moods and getting outside it’s not so great to suddenly feel self conscious revealing our bodies and all their little quirks!


Skin Tags Are Completely Normal!

A lot of my clients mention or ask me to look at things like skin tags in a whispered voice like they’re really unusual and I won’t have seen them before.  These annoying flappy bits of skin usually appear on areas of friction so, your neck, underarms, bra and knicker line and are a really common condition.

They range from teeny tiny ones to great big flappy ones.  All can usually be very easily treated and removed using a specialist technique of advanced electrolysis. Skin tags are caused by a harmless virus complex that lives inside most people, but they can also be a hereditary condition.  People who get them usually find they are prone to them in more than one area and may grow new ones every so often.  But they can be irritating and get sore especially on the torso or neck area where they may get rubbed or knocked.


Depending on the area, size and shape of the tag there are three different techniques we use to treat them.  We use an electrolysis needle with a diathermy current to either cauterise, shrink or dry-up the tag.  Most only need one treatment and you can expect them (depending on which technique was most suitable) to be gone by the end of the appointment or to fall off in a couple of days.

We always do a thorough medical consultation and have a good look at them before going ahead with treatment.  As a therapist it’s such a satisfying treatment to do as you get pretty much instant results and it makes such a big difference to our client’s confidence in themselves.


Does It Hurt?!

“Does it hurt?”  Always the second question I’m asked after “What is this growing on me?” I am always honest, it’s a little bit uncomfortable but usually very bearable.  Bear in mind skin tags do usually appear on these areas that don’t get exposed much so the skin can be a bit sensitive there but a few minutes discomfort is well worth the results.

After the treatment the area will be red, may have a small crust and will feel hot.  We always apply and give you a suitable aftercare product to help with the healing process at home, along with clear advice to follow.  We often book you back in after a couple of weeks after the initial treatment to check they have been successfully treated and have healed well.


What Does It Cost?

“What does it cost?” We charge by a time period and prices include a full consultation and post treatment check-up as well as the treatment itself, £80 for up to 15 minutes of treatment or if you have lots of skin tags we offer a 30 minute treatment for £120 so we can treat as many as possible for you.  We offer complimentary medical consultations for you to ask all your questions so book in now and see what we can do for you. 


Author – Carla, Salon Manager

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