A Touching Client Story

We were so touched when we received this review, we had to share it with you. Highlighting just how important our mental health is, and how Beauty Secrets can help people, from the inside out. It’s not just beauty and skincare, its an experience. Read on to hear Sarah’s story.

Clare’s Story

Beauty Secrets are so much more than a place I go and have a pedicure or a facial. It is my safe space; the place I go to reinforce that I am worth looking after myself. The place that has helped with fixing some long-term painful feet and skin problems. The staff there are people I look forward to seeing and put a smile on my face when I do. It goes without saying that they are amazing at what they do.

I was adamant my entire life that spending my hard-earned pennies on a beauty salon was not for me. I have tried a couple of places in the past and it was 2 of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. Then I tried Beauty Secrets Horsham and I completely changed my mind.

You can stop reading here, save yourself 10 minutes and use that time to go and book a treatment. Or you can read on and know why I am bothering to write the first positive review in my life.

In Jan 2020 I succumbed to severe anxiety and depression. The sort where you only get out of bed to use the bathroom or accept food deliveries. The sort where not washing your hair for 4 weeks is the norm. Gross I know, but a reality for the illness. I have never been great at taking time to look after myself and for 4 months I was at my worst, I thoroughly neglected myself. I was on medication, which at the time was needed but left me numb.

By April 2020 we were in the 1st Covid lockdown. Fortunately for me, my job could be done from home. So, I was able to return to work (returning to the office was and still is not possible for me). For the next year, we are either in lockdown or non-essential services were suspended. All this time the only people I saw or spoke to in person were the delivery guys and I had gone and got myself a bit of agoraphobia.

So, let’s recap. I have never been good at looking after myself and have always felt guilty for doing things for me. I am suffering from depression, anxiety and the associated panic attacks. The outside scares me. Oh, and did I mention that I am obese. Yep the last socially acceptable form of open prejudice. Even if people aren’t openly hurtful the slight sneer or the look of disgust in their eye is obvious. Anyway, let’s step away from that soapbox, this isn’t the place for that discussion. Then of course there is my own bias that assumes that anyone working in a beauty salon is going to look down on my size and the general state of unkemptness. This had only been reinforced by my 2 previous attempts at going to a beauty salon.

It took 4 more months to take that 1st step and go and get a pedicure. I will be honest, I chose Beauty Secrets because it was the closest to me. If I freaked out, I could be home in less time than it takes to
make a cuppa.

I didn’t have very high expectations of getting what I needed. I just wanted to reduce the hard skin on my feet. It was a case of just suck it up and get it done. So, I booked my 1st appointment, worked through the panic attack and walked through the doors of Beauty Secrets Horsham for the first time in August 2021. I can’t lie, I was terrified.

From the very first moment, the ladies at Beauty Secrets started breaking down my own prudence towards beauty salons and started chipping away at the metaphorical cocoon I had trapped myself in.

Firstly, no sneers or looks of contempt or even pity. Just genuine smiles. All the ladies are beautiful, and their openness and kindness meant that I didn’t feel like an ugly duckling like I usually do.

They listened to me. Even though I had booked a pedicure I explained my problems and they amended the service slightly to fit my requirements with no fuss at all. At one point my obesity caused a little mobility problem. Again, with no commotion or chagrin whatsoever the lady working on my feet just slightly adjusted her way of working to accommodate me. For the first time in 20 months, I was out in public, surrounded by strangers and I wasn’t having a panic attack. Oh, and I had lovely smooth feet. I can’t say I was fully relaxed, but I could do this. It was a good day. So, I promptly booked again.

Over the next couple of visits, I relaxed and started talking to the ladies about other issues that I wanted to correct. They listened to me and made recommendations for treatments that have started dealing with those things. Now both my feet and my face are smooth.

However, that isn’t the most important thing they have done for me. I am learning that I am worth spending time and money on me. It’s still a work in progress but every time I go, I believe it just a little bit more. I have 3 or 4 treatments a month and I no longer have a panic attack. In fact, I look forward to it. It is my weekly outing to make sure I get out of the house. It is the catalyst to give me the confidence to go other places sometimes. It is my therapy, my first stepping stone to the future I want. It is a journey and I am glad I made that first step.

I’m sorry if you feel this is overdramatic. Actually, sorry not sorry. If you are still here, I’m going to guess that you are interested in what I am saying. Without the guys at Beauty Secrets Horsham, I really do believe that I would still be hiding away praying that the world would leave me alone. Instead, I am medication free and taking small steps towards accepting myself and learning how to be in the world again. I will be
forever grateful.

To the ladies at Beauty Secrets, thank you. You didn’t just fix my feet and my face. You gave me hope.


sherrie emery